The 6 Traits of Fearless People That Make Them (Nearly) Invincible

Personality quirks that are seldom heard.

Yash Prakash
Practice in Public


Photo by Ryan Holloway on Unsplash

These past few years I’ve done a lot of things — pass university, immigrate to a new country, get into a new job, open a new business.

I’ve seen the rise, fall and growth of two kinds of people.

There are people who are paralyzed by fear. They get anxious, conform, and succumb to their fears.

They give up on their goals and try their best to navigate around their fear.

The other kind of people are the crazy kind — they welcome fear.

They boldly go after their goals and hold their head high. They look like they are winning despite how scared they really are.

They’ve learned to use their fears in ways that make them invincible.

Who are these people? How did they become so bold and fearless?

From my experiences, they routinely display these six traits.

They make fear their accomplice

Fearless people treat fear as their partner. Their trusted accomplice that they can’t live without.

Regular people are afraid of fear and drown in anxiety and incompetence whenever fear…



Yash Prakash
Practice in Public

Software engineer → Solopreneur ⦿ Scaling my own 1-person business model ⦿ Writing for busy founders and business owners.