These Are the Basic Elements of Creativity You Should Be Working On

How to grow your creativity

Circé Creates
Practice in Public


Woman smiling with paint on her face
Photo by Muhammad Rahim Ali on Unsplash

The world is divided. On one side, people who have been waiting years for their muse to visit them. On the other, people who meet with her every day at 8 am. It’s not fair. But it’s also not a helpful way to look at it. The reality is much more generous and nuanced.

Personally, creativity comes knocking on my door every day. She and I have been writing articles, podcasts, emails and making learning products together for years. When she’s not there, I have her personal number on speed dial.

Here’s how you and her can become best pals, too.

Creativity is Simple Maths

It is true that you do not have control over the amount of creativity you have. Especially on a day-to-day basis. But, you have control over the components that influence your creativity. What are such components, you ask ? Well, there are several approaches.

Ruth Noller for example, considers creativity to be a function of knowledge, imagination, and evaluation, with one major extra ingredient: attitude. She writes it so:

C = ƒa(K, I, E) — Ruth Noller’s Creativity Equation.

