The Most Important Piece of the Puzzle When It Comes to Writing

Without this factor, your writing career is almost guaranteed to go nowhere

Allison Burney
Practice in Public


Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Be honest: Did you read this title and assume you knew what I was going to say?

Let me guess.

You probably thought I was going to tell you to write every day, because daily practice is the most important thing you can ever do in order to build your writing career. Right?

Well, yes — but also no. For me, there’s been something even more important than daily practice, even though I’ve also sat down to write every single day for the last 29 days straight.

Before I could get myself onto this streak, though, I first had to get some things straight in my head. I had to reframe the way I thought of myself, and how I approached this thing we call writing.

The day I finally changed my story

You see, for the last decade or so, I’ve thought that I wanted to be a writer.

For whatever reason, this idea has been firmly planted in my head for a long time now. The problem is, for the same amount of time, I’ve been skirting around writing like it’s some kind of disease that I must stay as far away from as possible!



Allison Burney
Practice in Public

Writer, ghostwriter & proofreader. On a mission to keep exploring, learning & enjoying this adventure we call life. Work with me: