The Much-Expected Freedom of Just Writing What You Love (Only Works for Good Writers)

Don’t write like the creator with 1 million followers; it’s a trap!

Divad Sanders
Practice in Public


Woman in Yellow Long Sleeve Carrying Blue Yoga Mat
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Do you ever feel paralyzed by all the writing advice out there? If you just tried this one weird trick, you too could be raking in the views and making a splash online.

But here’s a little secret: it’s really not that complicated.

All you need to create compelling content that resonates is to write what you love in your own unique voice. When you do that with consistency and care, people will stay to hear you out.

Not overnight, but with time.

I recently fell into the comparison trap after seeing another writer effortlessly pull in loads of views. “What’s their secret sauce? Do I need to niche down, broaden my topics, write personal stories, not write personal stories, and reinvent myself every month??”

Cue existential crisis.

But here’s the thing — their “secret” was simply writing daily about topics they found intriguing from their personal lens.

No tricks.
No gimmicks.

Just their authentic voice sharing ideas they geeked out over.



Divad Sanders
Practice in Public

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