The Only Thing Keeping You Away From Being Successful

Your Actions over intentions!

Vidhya jyothi
Practice in Public
2 min readMay 13, 2024


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

The story you are currently reading is a result of my actions. There are many more stories that I intend to write but it’s not there because no action has been taken yet.

You know what you want to achieve in life. Be it for your career, health, or your relationships. But mostly all these are merely thoughts. Some people go one step ahead and plan the roadmap as well.

Let's cut the chase. Actions! The most important thing that will take you closer to your destination. Do what you are supposed to do without overthinking about what the result will be initially. But ensure you are getting better at it with every repetition.

3 positive changes once you start taking action:

  • You will know if you enjoy doing it
  • You understand your strengths and limitations
  • You get better at it with time

Planning is good. Having a clear idea of how to get to your goal is good. But none of those intentions or plans in your mind will take you any closer to your goal unless you act on them. Actions are the major contributing factor to your success.

You know what you want in life, but you are not doing the very thing due to various reasons. You could have a lot of reasons not to do it. Sometimes you are unsure, laziness takes over, you have no time and you are afraid to fail. Thats ok. All of us have these hindrances.

If you do not know what to do, just figure out the next step. The only thought should be to get better at it. That is possible only by repeating the right actions.

“The universe doesn't give you what you ask for with your thoughts; it gives you what you demand with your actions.” -Steve Maraboli

