Member-only story
The person I am today without social media
And why I’m going further
It dawned on me this morning that I haven’t ‘properly’ used social media for over 4 years. I haven’t posted anything on Instagram or Facebook for that long (in reality, probably longer).
It was a collision of moments that made me delete my Instagram account.
The account I’d had since I was maybe 15?
16 years later, I was hovering over the button, with more conviction than I’d ever had to press delete.
I’d recognized a decline in my well-being after being on the app. It was the constant measuring stick. I really didn’t like my life at the time, and ‘the measuring stick’ tipped me over the edge.
I saw a post about a school friend who had just bought a brand-new (very expensive car).
Here I was, sitting in a house that was crumbling all around me, in a job I could barely stand, no fancy car on the drive — aka underperforming, losing. And it tipped me over the edge. For the next few days, I sulked about my life, my circumstances, the world I had created for myself.
And then I thought — I wouldn’t have felt that way if I hadn't seen that post.
And so I pressed delete.