The Power Of Teaching

Understanding The Protégé Effect

Practice in Public
3 min readMay 17, 2024


Photo by LexScope on Unsplash

“Few things are as persuasive as your own BS, while nothing is easier to identify than other people’s BS.” — Morgan Housel


Have you ever found yourself explaining a concept to someone and suddenly gaining a deeper understanding of it yourself? This phenomenon, known as the protégé effect, highlights the powerful impact of teaching on learning. In this article, we’ll delve into the psychology behind the protégé effect and explore how you can harness it to enhance your own learning journey.

Unpacking the Protégé Effect

The protégé effect is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when individuals teach, pretend to teach, or prepare to teach information to others, leading to improved learning outcomes. When you’re in the position of teaching, you naturally pay closer attention to the material and identify gaps in your own understanding. This heightened awareness and engagement with the content facilitate faster and more effective learning.

Understanding the Psychology

The psychology behind the protégé effect is fascinating. Expecting to teach or actually teaching triggers increased metacognitive processing, which involves actively monitoring and regulating one’s own learning process. This heightened self-awareness encourages the use of effective learning strategies and fosters feelings of competence and autonomy, further enhancing learning outcomes.

Practical Applications

So, how can you leverage the protégé effect to enhance your own learning? There are two key approaches:

  1. Learn with the Intention to Teach: Approach your studies with the mindset of teaching the material to someone else later on. Research has shown that students who learn with the intention of teaching outperform those who learn solely for themselves. This approach encourages a deeper level of engagement with the material and promotes better retention.
  2. Pretend to Teach: Even if you don’t have a real audience, you can still benefit from pretending to teach the material to an imaginary listener. Explain the concepts as if you’re teaching them to someone who is unfamiliar with the subject. This exercise forces you to articulate your understanding clearly and solidify your grasp of the material.

Taking Action

Now that you understand the protégé effect, it’s time to put it into action. Choose a topic that you’re currently learning and take on the role of the teacher. Whether you’re explaining it to a friend, a family member, or even just to yourself, embrace the opportunity to teach and reinforce your own understanding.

Real-life Examples

Let’s consider some real-life examples of the protégé effect in action. Imagine a student who is struggling to grasp a complex mathematical concept. By tutoring a peer who is facing similar challenges, the student not only helps their peer but also solidifies their own understanding of the topic. Similarly, a professional who mentors junior colleagues gains a deeper understanding of their field while imparting valuable knowledge to others.

Challenges and Opportunities

While the protégé effect offers significant benefits, it’s not without its challenges. Teaching requires time, effort, and patience, and not everyone may be willing or able to take on the role of the teacher. However, by embracing the opportunity to teach and share knowledge, individuals can overcome these challenges and unlock the full potential of the protégé effect.


The protégé effect underscores the powerful relationship between teaching and learning. By adopting a teaching mindset and actively engaging with the material, you can enhance your learning journey and deepen your understanding of complex concepts. So, the next time you’re grappling with a challenging subject, don’t hesitate to step into the role of the teacher and unlock the full potential of the protégé effect.

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Practice in Public

Content Creator & Entrepreneur | CEO of NXT LVL Studios & Ace Digital | Co-founder of Raze AI & CreatorKits