Self-improvement | Psychology

The Real Reason You Lack Confidence Is Because You Don’t Deserve It

Replacing self-doubt with confidence is easier than you think

Practice in Public
Published in
6 min readNov 9, 2023


Image provided via Leonardo AI

I almost pissed myself during my first acting performance.

Palpitations. Wobbly legs. Restless arms. Sweat dripping down my head. I was a mess.

It was my first time performing in front of an audience, and I was anything but confident. Even though barely 15 people were watching, I felt so nauseous I thought I was going to be sick.

I got on stage, said my piece — albeit with a stutter and shaky voice — and got off stage accompanied by a surprising applause.

Skip to a few years later, and I was the envy of the class — I had no stage fright during our final graded performance, in front of official judges, and had overwhelming confidence in my ability.

That might come as a shock to most people; they don’t see the countless hours spent stumbling, failing, practising, rehearsing and developing.

To me, however, it made perfect sense.

You don’t deserve to feel confident



Practice in Public

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