The Realistic Way to Make $10,000 a Month From a Tiny Email List

This battle-tested system has been working for me since 2014

Matt Giaro
Practice in Public


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I’ve been monetizing micro-audiences (less than 10k subs) for a almost a decade.

I know that this sounds completely stupid to most people. Especially, when you see everyone’s dreaming about attracting huge circus-audiences like Wustin Jelsh or Kan Doe.

But you can make a (very) comfortable living with a tiny newsletter.

Delete this mental model from your brain

Big numbers mean big bucks.

If that’s what you’re thinking, then you have the wrong mental model. Just like how eating more doesn’t always make you healthier, bigger audiences don’t automatically translate to more income. It’s like assuming a bigger car always means a better ride, but then you find the compact car handles the twists and turns of life’s roads with more agility and ease. Or thinking a larger book must hold more wisdom, only to discover the most profound truths in a slim paperback.

Most creators I work with operate in small niches. So, by essence, the number of people who are interested in what they have to offer is limited.

  • Who wants six-packs?



Matt Giaro
Practice in Public

6 Figure Creator. Helping experts turn their ideas into income with online content (in just 2h/day.) Start now 👉