The Simple Strategy That Helps Me Earn $8–9k+ Per Month From One-Person Business.

Trust me, this works.

Michael Lim
Practice in Public


14 months ago, I almost crashed my one-person business.

I remember sitting in my Cambodian hostel, crying on the phone to my accountant. I had a massive tax bill I didn’t forecast and was stuck in a bad cash flow position. I’d made so many mistakes that led me to this point.

If I could go back, here’s what I would have done instead…

#1: Develop a high-income skill stack

I would recommend learning to write online first.

Why? Writing is the foundation of everything on the internet:

  • YouTube scripts.
  • Instagram shorts.
  • Email marketing campaigns.

People think you could just use ChatGPT.


80% of writing is understanding psychology and getting into the heads of your dream customer.

I still haven’t seen ChatGPT replicate this (yet).

Alongside writing, I would also learn:

  • Sales & marketing.
  • Content creation.
  • Email marketing.



Michael Lim
Practice in Public

I help solopreneurs add $2-5k to their one-person business through my Limitless Writing System™ 🚀 Start here -> 🚀