The Thrill of the Unexplored: My Journey Beyond the Ordinary

How a desire to escape the mundane led to a life of adventure and self-discovery

Varun Pratap Singh
Practice in Public
3 min readJul 26, 2024


Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

In my school days, whenever I saw someone on stage performing and people cheering, I thought to myself,

Why can’t I be there?

I felt like I was an NPC, clapping in the crowd with no difference in the claps surrounding me. It felt so mechanical and boring.

I used to wonder, Where’s the thrill and excitement in this mundane way of living?

I would stare out the classroom window, watching people play tennis. Again, I asked myself,

Why can’t I be there?

Finally, I gathered the courage to ask my teacher if I could perform in a skit and take things into my own hands.

Unfortunately, it was not what I expected!

I forgot my lines, and it was a total mess. Everyone had a good laugh, and the teacher who was so confident in me lost that confidence in a flash.

I was really sweaty, my heart was pounding so hard it blushed my face, and everyone asked if I had a fever. I was so embarrassed that the memory still lingers after so many years.

But it was different. It was so much better than the mundane life I was living as a student. I asked myself, What made me do this? The answer was simple:

My desire to escape the mundane was greater than the fear of embarrassment if I failed.

At first, I was timid and embarrassed, but after a few days, I was excited for a new adventure. So, I joined the tennis club at my school and became so passionate about it that I started playing during lectures as well.

A girl saw me through the same window (or maybe not) and later asked,

Hey, I saw you playing tennis. How did you manage to skip class and play?

To which I replied, My desire to play was greater than my desire to attend a repeated lecture.

If you wanna know what exactly happened ? I completed the topic a few days before and submitted my assignment early

After that, I took many different routes in life to explore the unexplored, to see what’s on the other side. I always ask myself,

Why can’t I?

Out of other important questions this is one of them that made me who I am today.

The desire to fight the mundane and embrace the unknown, whether I fail or succeed, is the reason I have started loving living.

The desire to explore the unexplored gives me a joy greater than any kind of leisure or comfort.

This desire is the reason I am writing this article, which is being read by someone on the other side of the globe.

This desire breeds more life in the world and that’s what I cherish.



Varun Pratap Singh
Practice in Public

An explorer, going through observing life and myself. Striving to become 1 % better each day.