The Winter Writing Arc
Good habits to start this winter
I was never meant to be a writer.
I studied science, I’ve obsessed with business, and I could never sit still — but over the last 4 years, writing has become my stillness.
Especially in the winter mornings.
The dark, cold, frost-bitten mornings. Wrapped up, hot coffee, fresh thoughts, blurry mind. There’s something about the dark that brings out the best thoughts.
I like the cold, dark, eery mornings to dump down my thoughts, explore my mind and tell my stories.
If you’re thinking about starting writing, the winter arc is the best time to start, and here’s how.
The winter writing arc
Let’s start with what it’s not.
It’s not about waking up at 4:30 am, cranking out as much content as physically possible before the sun comes up. It’s not about cold showers or being fully optimized for success.
It’s not about withdrawing from the world to pursue your highest version. It’s not about ‘disappearing’ for 3 months and returning a different person.
It’s absolutely not about reinventing yourself.