These 5 Platforms Are The Best To Make Money Writing In 2024

Coming from my own experience.

Jamil Yousafzay
Practice in Public


Image by Freepik

There are plenty of writing platforms to earn money online today. But I chose these five because they require little to no upfront investment and no experience.

I believe they’re the perfect way to learn as you go and get paid for it.

Starting with my personal favorite, something I call pay-per-view platforms:

1. Pay-Per-View Platforms

These platforms are much like YouTube where you write on any topic you like and get paid based on your page views.

Of course, I’m referring to the platform you’re currently reading on, along with NEWSBREAK.COM. They’re my top choices.

I love pay-per-view platforms because they host your blog for you, you can write about whatever you want, and the bigger your following, the more leverage you gain when you decide to take things to the next step and strike up paid deals or promote affiliate links.

Depending on how often you write and the quality of your articles, you can expect to earn anywhere from $100 to $1,000 per month with a few hours of work per week.

2. Twitter or X



Jamil Yousafzay
Practice in Public

I love writing more than anything, even more than my silly girlfriend. And I talk about everything I know.