This Is Not Your Hill

Knowing when to agree to disagree

Eve Arnold
Practice in Public


Photo by Jonathan Cosens Photography on Unsplash

There are some things outwardly obvious that lead to growth.

A case in point recently is threads on X. It seems the algorithm is back favouring threads on various brilliant minds.

Great news and a great growth opportunity.

But the obvious truth, for me at least, is that I have little interest in summarising great minds or great thinkers' top ten quotes. My writing has changed and it feels jarring to where I am now.

It all got me thinking about the price you have to be willing to pay. It is true, that all things are difficult. Anything worth doing, by definition, will likely be uncomfortable, frustrating and mind-bending at times.

But for some things, your gut just says no to. Some hills are not worth the climb, not because you’re not capable, not because they are not difficult and not because you are not worthy.

Just because it’s not your hill. As somebody who writes, it’s important to know which things are worth your time.

The acceptance of a messy life

For my entire twenties, I’ve been tidying up.

Trying to make sure all the proverbial washing is in the machine, the pots are taken care of, the carpets…

