This Looks Like It Might Be a Problem

And how to catch it

Eve Arnold
Practice in Public


Photo by Joey Nicotra on Unsplash

I sat, legs stretched out in the sun, enjoying my lunchtime ball throw. My spaniel’s favourite time of the day, I throw, and she chases until she inevitably needs a rest. The break means I start thinking.

I looked at the grass. I’d cut it less than 7 days ago, and for saying that all it does in the UK is rain, it was a surprise to see it was looking a little rough around the edges. I’d just cut it. Yesterday it looked fine.

But now, on close inspection, the blades were poking out in any which direction, the fence line was looking overgrown, and the path had become shaded.

Evidence that if I didn’t cut it soon, things would get out of control.

When things get out of hand

Nine months ago I got the keys to my new house.

Needless to say, it was an emotional day. If you’ve ever had the joy of trying to purchase a house in the UK you’ll know that whilst you endeavour for it to be a period of joy and pleasure, navigating the buying process is an emotional rollercoaster.

It had taken three months longer than expected and at one point, the whole thing nearly fell through. Anyway, here I was with the keys to my new home.

