This Was the Most Exciting Place I Have Ever Visited in My Life

I never thought I could feel this way.

Practice in Public
4 min readFeb 29, 2024


I once went for trekking along with my friends.

We started in the morning. It was a sunny day. The weather was getting warmer, and we were losing the excitement of the trip. Only a good weather determines how your travel can go. We were feeling tired, and our excitement was lost midway.

Some of my friends quit in the middle of our journey as they didn’t feel worth moving further. So, they checked into a hotel nearby and waited till our return.

The rest of us continued walking. We reached the peak of the mountain. That was the most pleasurable part of the journey.

The peak was blissful.

The view from the top was wonderful. We were at the peak of the mountain and the clouds were floating near our head. It was such a wonderful experience.

The weather changed suddenly. It began to rain. It beautified the scenery more. We didn’t have an umbrella. So, we had to walk down the mountain, getting wet in the rain.

I enjoyed every moment of it.

Our trek only became worthwhile when we reached the peak. We would have never enjoyed the scene if we left midway.

Sharing is caring

This trek happened a few years ago. Immediately I wrote a blog and shared it with my friends. They enjoyed reading it. Likewise, I shared my poetry, blog, and quotes with my friends. They used to read it and give me feedback at times. That’s how I improved.

One day I wrote something that I felt hard to share with anyone.

It was personal. It was from the deepest part of my heart. Something very painful which I experienced at a younger age.

I wrote the piece and shared it in my profile status. Some read it and said it was touchy and emotional. One of my colleagues, who read it asked me

“Did that happen to you?”

I didn’t say anything. I tried to divert her to some other topic. But she was adamant to know better.

I knew I never talked about it nor will I.

I asked her why she was pushing me so hard.

She then said, that whenever she notices the vulnerable part of people, she insists they talk about it. As she better knows,

it is hard to walk with pain in your heart.

She then shared her story about her father who married another woman. And began to ignore her mother after that.

Her mother had to leave the house with her children as it wasn’t going well. They didn’t get a divorce. But she better learned to adjust. He often comes to her house to visit them. But his love was always biased to another woman whom he married and to her children.

She was craving her father’s complete love for her so was her mother.

I felt a bit emotional. She shared something from the deepest part of her heart. I couldn’t resist hearing her story.

So, I shared mine.

My story

I was 15 back then. My father had asthma. And his health was degrading year by year. He couldn’t work harder as he did before. Nor he could accept any good opportunities that would make his career better.

We lived in a city. So, for the better we left the city and came back to our village. And lived in my uncle’s house. My uncle was raised by my father. So, it didn’t bother to live in his house.

Days passed by and it finally began to bother us. Most of the days in the house it was a fight between him and my parents.

He used to mock and hurt us for staying in his house. One night my parents couldn’t resist hearing his painful words, so we left the house at midnight.

That night we were walking on the road at midnight with no idea of going anywhere. My mom was crying all the way cursing him.

She was helpless. I didn’t know what to do. How to help? I stayed along with her watching her cry all the way.

I just saw. Whatever I saw stayed in my heart.

I didn’t feel comfortable to share the complete story. So, I just shared some of it.

Hearing my story, she got emotional too. What if she didn’t insist me to share the incident? I would have never shared with her. No one in my circle knew this part of my life. Except her because she tried.

Remember I mentioned my trekking incident when some of them quit traveling further as they didn’t experience what they expected they will experience?

What if she too had quit asking me my story? We would have never known ours.

She shared her story, and it felt like an emotional ride to me. Then I shared mine which was an emotional ride for her.

Trekking is an adventurous thing. It has its highs and lows.

Climbing a mountain and exploring its peak is truly exciting.

So does exploring someone’s heart.

The Earth is vast, with a radius of 6,371 kilometers.

Still, a human’s heart is the most exciting place to visit.

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