36# Grind’n’Hustle

Three Kinds of Assets in Medium; Knowledge, Skills, Desire

To observe not only values but also some bargained-for entertainment

Ikada Mario
Practice in Public


Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

Like any natural force of social media, followers pull some of our moves may currently be keeping us from going where we want to go. But it is also gravity that keeps our platform stick together, that keeps our influences in their circuits and our money in order.

It is a powerful force, and if we use it effectively, we can use the impact to create something that not only attracts people but also creates the cohesiveness and order necessary to establish effectiveness in our influences.

Knowledge (what to do and why)

Knowledge is the theoretical perspective, the what to do, and the why. For example; I often treat my writing as a nuance of an answer. I read people’s articles on Medium and tried my best to answer them throughout my article.

Don’t be like me if you want to take off via inspiration or even science fiction. It does not matter where you fuel your ambiance from or what’s your intention; what’s matters is the way you execute things.

The source doesn’t matter whether you like opinion or factual data. If the article is based on informational kind of arts then please openly attach your research. If not then let you be you.

From earliest times there have been divided opinions as to the purpose of the article. In somewhat oversimplified terms, the major split has been between persons of conservative persuasion.

Those who are satisfied to support of teaching that will reflect and preserve the status quo, and those who believe that articles should be outposts on the frontier of social literature change.

Between these polar positions, of course, there are infinite nuances of opinion.

I do not mean to redeem the core of “what you should do,” but here is a little bit of brainstorming for you that might help to open new ideas for you;

  1. an image of the kind of world to be sought in the future, including future-focused role-image with which the words identify themselves in this platform and,
  2. a perspective of the content and the educational conditions or “climate” that will create changes in the individual behavior into the way they intended to.

These two are the summaries of what and why for the majority of my needs in Medium.

Skills (How)

Skill is the how to do. No matter what we have to listen to others and distillate the benefit for us. To make it simple; in order to improve our abilities, we require a consultant.

If we can’t afford it, then it's better for us to open for opinion. Even if i do know that in order to interact effectively with others I really need to listen to them, I may not have the skill. I may not know how to really listen deeply to another human being.

Logically, in this writing platform, one important tool for acquiring skills with alternative futures should be the literature of science fiction, informational entertainment, and opinion cookouts.

If you even look closer at who Medium promotes to be the top ten article most of the time informational entertainment kind of article and fiction type of writing.

Treat this platform as an invaluable training ground for its readers in the anticipation and creation of things to come and you will shine like a star. People want a way out and people want to have some fun.

I remember that Rossman guy said;

“Adaptation to change begins in consciousness, and science fiction — the speculative extension of technological man — has been crucial to the present rise of visions with new force among the young.”

We live in a time where people ask how every single time and this is the easiest part of all; we simply put our effort and willingness to understand their problem and work the way out.

We live in a time of rapid social change and are constrained to contemplate the future, to consider the options it holds for the development of themselves and their society, and to choose the paths in time that appear to promise the most significant improvements in humanity’s lot.

Desire (want to do)

Desire is the motivation, the want to do.

Fill it;

  • Where and when did you get the idea?
  • What other choices did you reject and why?
  • What do you expect to happen?
  • How long have you wanted it?
  • Do you feel glad about it?
  • How would your life be different without it?
  • Whom have you told about your decision?
  • Will you stand up for what you feel?
  • What are you going to do about it?
  • Can you help people?

Okay, balance your idea and your capability. Training in the art of communication is, in fact, an integral part of training in the ability to think properly, and in order to bridge what we want to do and what we actually doing in this platform…

is grammar.

I caught so many people with good stories and it is so obvious because some of us (including me) struggle with paraphrasing things or voicing things out because of grammar barriers.

I'm not talking about plotting, build-up, or anything kind of literature law and technique but it is harder for us when we already put a big effort into our time yet the execution is weak or even ugly.

What we want to do might not sound like want to say if we cannot fully understand how to tell it right. The motive to learn must included in the first intention.

The best part of this is; that people tend to listen to what the majority wants rather than what the majority needs. It is easier to look at the trends this way rather than to read statistics of what people need.

Genuine help

With genuine caring and steps, I encourage you to open the gate of change and growth as you study these three. Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it’s holy ground. There’s no greater investment.

It’s obviously not a quick fix. But I assure you, you will benefit and see immediate payoffs that will be encouraging. It is going to be more painful and more relief at the same time.

Like Thomas Paine said,

“That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly. It is dearness only which gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price on its goods.”

