Trust Me, You’re Not Broken

Even when the world tells you you are

Eve Arnold
Practice in Public


Photo by BĀBI on Unsplash

If there’s one thing I know about building something part-time, it’s that most problems are grounded in emotion, not logic.

The idea of being an entrepreneur feels grand, liberating even. It’s this idea in your head that you could make it on your own, if you took the leap, dived in and really tried. It’s this quest for a bigger, better life. To do life on your own terms, to build something for yourself.

For the longest time, I thought I was less because I hadn’t made any steps towards my ‘dream’. I’d beat myself up most days about the life I wish I had.

Until 2020, when I started writing online. Since (and it wasn’t all plain sailing) I’ve achieved the things I set out to. I sit here, having ticked off my goals — on the other side of the fence.

So what’s the big lesson? Well, it’s something I missed all along.

The biggest realisation of all

I wasted a lot of time between 22–25 thinking my life was a total mess.

Seriously, I would spend most weekends wishing I had a business that I could call my own. I’d go on long walks listening to podcasts about successful people, demanding to know why I hadn’t made any progress in my own life.

