Use This 3-Part Formula to Overcome Writer’s Block and Create Tons of Content.

Having a troubleshooting process will help you overcome writer’s block faster.

Practice in Public


Photo by Tara Winstead

Writer’s block is a mental difficulty to write what you want to write.

Merriam-Webster says it succinctly — a psychological inhibition preventing a writer from proceeding with a piece

Writer’s block doesn’t mean you can’t write at all; it’s just that you are not making any progress because you don’t know what to write or how you want to word it. You haven’t found the ‘right’ words to pen down. The right angle to explore.

So you scrunch up paper after paper, throwing them overhead dramatically. As the discarded papers mount around the wastebasket, your frustration grows. Time ticks on, the sand runs, and 4 hours later, you have smudged ink stains on your fingers and no words to show for your effort.

Sounds familiar?

Come close. Let me show you how to fix this problem.

3 steps to fixing writer’s block

I love it when I sit down to write and from the first minutes, the words flow. But on some days that’s not the case and having techniques to battle the resistance on those days means I don’t…



Practice in Public

I believe YOLO, but not in the hippie dare devil kind of way, although I am a bit of a hippie on most days, and I dare to go up against my fears often.