Walk Alone My Friend

A Poem

Kelvin Stark
Practice in Public
Aug 10, 2024


Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

If no one answers your call,

Then walk alone,

(be not afraid)

Walk alone my friend.

If no one talks to you,

O my unlucky friend,

If no one speaks to you,

If everyone looks the other way and everyone is afraid,

Then bare your soul

and let out what is in your mind,

(be not afraid)

Speak alone my friend.

When dark clouds cover the sky,

When darkness engulfs the truth,

When the world cowers —

And bows before fear,

You be the flame,

The flame that burns you

And banishes darkness

From the world,

(be not afraid)

Burn alone my friend.



Kelvin Stark
Practice in Public

I am writing about weight loss, nutrition, and self improvement.🏋️🤸 I hope you fall in love with my words ❤️.