Want to Boost Your Professional Credibility Instantly?

The secret to gaining respect and trust

Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Practice in Public
4 min readAug 14, 2024


Photo by Caleb Betts on Unsplash

How many times have you missed reaching on time?

How did you feel?

Do others see you as a latecomer?

Reaching on time, or before time, not only shows your responsibility towards that person but also sets you on a path of personal and professional success.

Once, I had to meet my friend, and we set a time to meet. I arrived early, as always, but my friend came late—30 minutes later than the usual meeting time. What do you think? What impression does it create on me?

“Arriving late was a way of saying that your own time was more valuable than the time of the person who waited for you.”
Karen Joy Fowler

Punctuality can make you feel superior to others. It should be followed with full responsibility. Being late for someone to meet sends a psychological signal to others that you don’t respect their time.

It shows that you are unreliable, lack discipline, and are just another guy who does not care. You want to avoid sending these signals to others. They will impact your respect in their eyes.

Being punctual shows professionalism and respect toward others. It shows that you care about others’ time and are responsible.

Consistently arriving early at places or meeting others builds trust and credibility and sets you apart as a reliable and accountable individual.

If you want strong connections, you must be punctual every time. Punctuality will increase your value among people and strengthen your relationships, making you seem more sincere and reliable.

“If you have been told that you are late and unreliable more than once, then not only do you lack punctuality, but you also lack decency and seriousness, which is certainly very annoying.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

It will also help you build credibility with your colleagues, clients, and employers, setting a solid foundation for professional relationships. You want to take advantage of this impact in any case.

There are many benefits of reaching early at places. You will get plenty of time to settle down and make any adjustments. It demonstrates a commitment to excellence.

Arriving early will give you a competitive advantage over others. It will give you a head start, allowing you to prepare and excel in your tasks. You will get preparation time, and you can allow yourself to sync in.

If you are in any higher position, punctuality will be essential. It will create a ripple effect on your team and influence the overall culture and productivity of your team and workplace.

“That man who is regular and punctual will get sure success in all walks of life.”
Sivananda Saraswati

It will encourage others to value and practice the same. As a leader, you have to lead. By being punctual, you can influence your team and company culture. People follow what leaders do.

Imagine a leader who is not punctual and demands the same from his team members. It’s not possible. You have to implement it yourself first. You have to become their idol.

Some people thought I could not be punctual. I always have a time crunch and need more time to get on time. This means you are dealing with time management issues.

You need to work on your time management skills. You have to plan everything and take some buffer. For example, you must reach someplace, which usually takes 30 minutes.

“Punctuality is not just limited to arriving at a place at right time, it is also about taking actions at right time.”
Amit Kalantri

You must plan when you can leave for that place, considering any unwanted situations during a visit like traffic jams. I usually take a buffer of 30 minutes. I always leave-taking a 30-minute buffer.

Prioritize punctuality and consistently arrive on time, contributing to better organization and efficiency in your daily life. It’s not as difficult as it seems.

Punctuality is a habit that you need to cultivate.

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Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Practice in Public

Digital Writer & Storyteller | Bringing Visions to Life Through Premium Ghostwriting​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​