What Does Mental Toughness Actually Look Like? And How to Build It in the Next 60 days

Read this if you’re fed up making the same mistakes…

Yash Sharma
Practice in Public
2 min readJul 14, 2024


Photo by Alora Griffiths on Unsplash

Here’s how Kobe Bryant defines mental toughness:

When you’re going through a really hard time. However, you put your mind into someplace else, your concentration is on the other thing, and the thing that was bothering you is no longer a focus — you don’t feel it anymore.

And I couldn’t agree more.

I’ve been living this way for 2 years. I am taking on challenges and keep moving even if it hurts.

I am tired, but let’s get it done. I slept late, but wait, I’m doing this. I’m feeling lonely, who cares? I’m gonna dominate alone.

This is called mental toughness.

Now, here’s how you build mental toughness in the next 60 days

Do something that sucks for the next 2 months

This January, I had monk mode for 60 days.

I got up at 4:00 am, put in the work, college, come back, hit the gym, come back, eat, work, sleep, and repeat.

This period was rough — every day, I felt like I couldn’t, but I persevered through it anyway. I showed up when I was scared, tired, and lost. I put in the work even without drive and support. And that’s made me tough. Without that lonely period, I don’t think so, I’d be writing this.

So, if you want to build mental toughness, do something that scares you every day.

Because there is no meaning in doubting yourself if you haven’t pushed yourself beyond the limits.



Yash Sharma
Practice in Public

23 years old | Helping you overcome fears, make consistent improvements, and accomplish goals 10X faster.