What I Learned from a Week Full of Cold Pitching

Don’t wait for opportunities to find you; create them for yourself.

Taylor Cromwell
Practice in Public
Published in
6 min readFeb 2, 2024


Every success guru and entrepreneur will probably tell you advice along these lines: You have to create areas of opportunities for yourself.

Rather than sit back passively and wait for things to happen, you have to make them happen for yourself. The same then is true for anyone running their own business, especially for freelancers.

Earlier this month, I sent my very first cold pitch in months… and I got a response in 5 minutes.

I was surprised for several reasons, but mainly because of how easy it was. After putting off new pitches for months, I received a response in a matter of minutes. It reminded me of the power we have in creating opportunities for ourselves.

It inspired me to create an experiment. I dedicated an entire week to cold pitching myself and my services for various opportunities I was interested in — from writing for publications I admired to joining podcasts I looked up to. I wanted to see what would unfold if I dedicated more time to cold pitching and how it would impact my approach to building my business.

Here’s what I learned.

My cold pitching experiment

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash



Taylor Cromwell
Practice in Public

Building cromwellcreativeco.com | Writing about entrepreneurship, ambition, careers — and what it looks like to build a life you love