What I Learned Publishing My First 2 Books

5 lessons on writing and self-publishing

Justin McLaughlin
Practice in Public


Graphic with the text “Lessons From Publishing My First 2 Books” and a picture of the two print books sitting on a table next to a plant.
Image created by the author.

Receiving the first print version of my new book “The Personal Brand Blueprint: A No-Nonsense Guide to Personal Branding in the Age of the Creator” was a surreal moment.

It made me realize I’ve learned lessons related to book publishing that I had no idea I’d come across when I first set out two years ago to give it a go self-publishing books.

In this article, I’m going to share those takeaways with you.

I am not an expert. I am not a famous author. However, I am self-taught, and have stumbled my way through this process twice now—a process I can help you navigate by sharing what worked and didn’t work.

TLDR: That said, here are the 5 key lessons I learned writing my first two books:

  1. Set the Goals for Your Book Upfront
  2. Research Publishing Logistics: Book Publishers and Self-Publishing, Marketplaces, Copyrights, and ISBNs
  3. Consider Sourcing an Editor
  4. Don’t Overlook design
  5. Get Ready to Create One of the Best Personal Brand Assets You Can Have

1. Set the Goals for Your Book Upfront



Justin McLaughlin
Practice in Public

💰 | Helping people make money and land their dream jobs. Sharing lessons from my 10-year brand building journey. VP of Marketing at Talespin.com