What If Everyone Lived Every Day at Their Highest and Best Use
One of the Star Trek spinoffs had an episode about this. The crew discovered a planet where everyone was genetically engineered to be perfect for what they were doing for society which kept their society in perfect balance. However, we don’t have that type of genetic engineering. So this is about another possibility for maximizing everyone’s talents and abilities and how that would benefit each individual and society as a whole.
More than likely, AI would have to be involved. Given the horrible ways we’ve order ourselves (currently and throughout history), we obviously can’t do it on our own.
Imagine a world where each day you get up and your daily “assignment” is waiting for you on your computer, smartphone, brain implant, etc., whatever currently interacts with the AI system.
Is the AI system Big Brother from 1984? Maybe, but let’s assume it’s a kinder, gentler Big Bro (and yes, that’s a BIG assumption).
Now what are some possible outcomes for a society ordered like this?
When each of us is utilizing our own unique skills and abilities to their fullest potential, we are likely to be more productive and efficient. More than likely, this would boost economic growth and prosperity, as well as…