Why Everyone Is Quitting The 38+ Hour Work Week
I could deliver enormous value, but I couldn’t get paid more than a wrinkly boomer who can’t even use Microsoft Word.
I remember getting promoted to a Director.
I’d worked for months for this title. Overtime, late nights, and taking on additional projects. I was so sure this is what I wanted.
The day came. I became a Director.
I stared at the email and felt nothing. My blinking cursor and words of congratulations felt like I was being mocked.
I quit 3 months later to start my own business.
I walked away with nothing.
Everything I worked on for 5 years? Gone.
I couldn’t take any clients, projects, or leverage I built during my time.
Sure, I learned some skills and networks.
But everything that I built was owned by someone else.
Being a 9–5 worker is renting your leverage.
You don’t own:
- The value you create.
- The projects you deliver.
- The audience you’ve built.