Why I’m Ditching My Blog and Going All in on Medium In 2024

And why you should, too

Brendan Charles
Practice in Public


Photo by Canva Studio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-man-using-laptop-3194523/

After the COVID dust had settled, I grabbed a domain and started sharing my ideas with the world.

Inspired by great bloggers such as James Clear, Shane Parrish and Maria Popova, I opted for WordPress and got to work.

At the peak of selfhabits.com, I had a few thousand people visiting my blog each month.

This was the best month for my little blog.

I was pleased with how things looked. I wrote mostly about what I liked, collected a handful of email addresses and had my own piece of internet real estate.



Although I enjoyed writing on my blog, I didn't know a thing about SEO and hadn't prepared for what was around the corner.

Allow me to present the antagonist: Chat GPT.

2023 saw the rise of AI in the world of online writing, and frankly, I don’t think Google or any of the blogging world knew what was in store.

At the click of a button, you could now mass produce 1000 word articles and upload them to your site. Heck, you could even get GPT to…

