Why You Can’t Finish What You Start

And how to finally break the cycle

Gagandeep Kakar
Practice in Public
3 min readOct 22, 2023


Photo by Dim Hou on Unsplash

Do you ever find yourself drowning in a sea of endless options, unable to navigate your way through the choices that life throws at you? It’s a common struggle that often leaves us feeling lost and overwhelmed. Whether it’s chasing our dreams, seeking our life’s purpose, or even just deciding what to watch on Netflix, the abundance of choices can lead us to the island of indecision.

Let’s delve into the reasons why we often start things but can’t seem to finish them and explore ways to break free from this cycle of half-done dreams.

Getting lost in a sea of choices

Picture yourself at an all-you-can-eat buffet, an endless menu of delectable options spread before you. Your head starts spinning as you contemplate tasting every single dish. It’s like starting an exciting novel only to find yourself perpetually stuck on the first chapter. Sound familiar? Many of us find ourselves in this predicament more often than we’d care to admit.

Having too many choices can turn our brains into popcorn machines, popping thoughts and comparisons faster than we can catch them. It’s like being trapped in a revolving door of options, going round and round without ever stepping out.

FOMO: The decision-making dilemma

Imagine you’re at a carnival with various tents, each promising an amazing show. You spot an exciting act in one tent, but then that sneaky thought creeps in: “What if there’s an even cooler show in another tent?” You freeze, caught in a moment of hesitation, and before you know it, you’ve missed all the fun.

The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is like the mischievous party crasher in our decision-making dance. It drags us into a never-ending shuffle of “What if?” and “Maybe there’s something better out there.” It’s the dance partner that keeps us from seizing the spotlight.

Chasing after shiny things

We’re no strangers to diving headfirst into new projects with boundless enthusiasm, only to be blindsided by a shiny, new idea that pops up like an unexpected birthday gift. Our attention starts bouncing around, and soon we have a collection of half-done projects, each more neglected than the last.

This is what experts call the Shiny Object Syndrome. It’s like chasing after the next shiny thing, always on the hunt for something exciting, while our growing collection of neglected projects quietly judges us.

Breaking Free from the Cycle

So, how can we escape the trap of too many choices and finally finish what we start? Here are some strategies:

1. Prioritize like a boss

Imagine yourself as the captain of a pirate ship in a sea filled with treasure chests. Just like a pirate captain charting a course for adventure, you need to identify your priorities and stay true to them.

Uncover what truly ignites your passion and set sail in that direction. Prioritizing like a pro creates a clear map through the maze of choices, guiding you like a treasure map toward your ultimate goals.


Instead of constantly worrying about missing out on the next big thing, consider swapping your Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) for the Joy of Missing Out (JOMO).

Realize that committing to a specific path or project is like dancing to your favorite tune; you immerse yourself in the rhythm and enjoy every step. Sticking with one thing and relishing it is often better than juggling too many tasks at once.

3. Use a notebook to stay organized

A simple way to manage your ideas and stay focused is by using a notebook. Whenever you have a new idea, jot it down in a special notebook. Then, give yourself some time to ponder it, typically about a month.

During this waiting period, let your excitement settle, much like waiting for cookies to cool down. If, after this break, the idea still appears promising and aligns with your goals, delve into it further. This approach helps you follow your interests without becoming overwhelmed.

In the end, the reason you often struggle to finish what you start isn’t due to a lack of talent, motivation, or time. It’s because you get entangled in the web of endless choices. So, pick your favorite dance, embrace the rhythm, and let your achievements be the fireworks that light up your journey through life’s twists and turns.

