Why You Need To Think Before You Speak

Be Very Mindful Of the Words You Use

Practice in Public


Photo by AR-Image

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you wish you could take back what you said? We’ve all been there. Sometimes, we speak without thinking and end up saying something we didn’t mean.

It happened to me when I was 22 years old and working at “The Gap.” That day, I happened to be working with my 19-year-old co-worker.

It was nearing the end of her shift, and she informed me she was going to the restroom and would be back.

Two minutes after she left, an elderly man walked into the store looking for her. He asked me if I knew her. He was there to pick her up. I told him she had stepped away and would be back shortly.

He asked me if I would let her know, and he’d be back in a few minutes. I replied, “Of course.”

When she returned, I calmly said, “I think your grandfather was here looking for you.

With a puzzled and confused look on her face. She said, “What?” “Grandfather?”

I said, “Yeah.” She said, “What was he wearing?” I told her. She paused and thought for a moment. Then she said, “Oh My God! That’s my dad! “Does he really look that old?”



Practice in Public

I write about the lessons and insights I've gained in my endeavors to become a better human. I hope by sharing what I've learned, others can benefit too.