Write Ideas. Not Too Many. Most About Things You Care About.

The simplest form of the best writing

Eve Arnold
Practice in Public


Photo by Elif Kurt on Unsplash

I work in tech, I know that users drive product development.

You assess their needs, make assumptions about their desires, do the research, present the findings, and iterate the design — all good.

But critically, writing on the internet, for yourself, alongside your very busy life, isn’t the same as running a business when things must sell otherwise people lose their jobs.

Both have important roles in life but I’ve found, that things get sticky when you conflict the two. And sometimes it’s important to remember, that if you’re writing alongside your day job, you have a freedom that you can indulge in.

Here are some thoughts.

Write your ideas

It’s simple advice but actually, it takes a lot of brainpower.

It’s hard to untangle the ideas you have with the ideas of others because we live in a consumption-heavy world. Everything is consumption.

When you consume so much, you find yourself thinking in similar patterns to the people you read. When you consume only ideas of a certain thesis, you become convinced of that argument without considering the wider context.

