Writing in Bursts? You Can Do It!

Make the most of your day while optimising your writing time

Aline S.
Practice in Public


A light box that says make this day great in bright colours.
(Picture by Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash)

Stay-at-home freelancing mums, this one is especially for you.

I hope everyone can find a little bit of food for thought in here. Whether you do or not, thank you for letting me know! I appreciate your precious feedback.

Why write in bursts?

Splitting your writing into short chunks of time may not be your preferred choice.

When the demands of household management mean this is the only way you can write, you have to adapt.

I find writing in bursts leads to more focused work.

Open laptop on a bench.
(Picture by Yusuf Evli on Unsplash)

It’s like a therapist session where they close out after you’ve ed a particularly intense emotion.

“That’ll be it for today.”

Only now, it’s the washing machine beeping or the kitchen timer pulling you out of your writing momentum.

The day’s agenda is fast a-moving!

How can I make any progress when I keep being interrupted?



Aline S.
Practice in Public

Positivity is my niche. Subscribe for stories on writing, self-improvement, parenting & more. Multilingual freelance writer since 2020 / Ma in Humanities.