You Don’t Need To Be “Consistent” To Be a Successful Creator

Consistency habits come at a cost and should better be worth it.

Yash Prakash
Practice in Public


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Consistency is the drug that is marketed the hardest to content creators. It’s promoted as the secret recipe to eventual success.

And for good reason. Showing up everyday is almost half the job in the game.

But when does this recipe become harmful?

When does hammering this advice home cross the line to actually becoming an obstacle?

I’ve been writing for more than 800 days on the internet. I’ll admit I was indoctrinated into this mindset from the very beginning.

I’d been told to stick to my schedule as if my life depended on it.

That there’s no secret formula to amassing a huge following and earning money from the internet than being consistent.

For the most part, I have taken this advice to heart. But I’ve also had downtimes. Slow days. Days of exhaustion. Days when I’d been able to do everything but write.

You can follow the general principle of staying consistent, but if you go too far, you’ll start experiencing some pretty serious issues.

Your schedule will start failing you



Yash Prakash
Practice in Public

Software engineer → Solopreneur ⦿ Scaling my own 1-person business model ⦿ Writing for busy founders and business owners.