You Need More Than Just Skills To Build a Business

The mentality needed to build a successful business

Andikan David
Practice in Public
3 min read6 days ago


Photo by Andrew Bui on Unsplash

It's 7 am.

I'm still on my bed thinking about ideas, and brainstorming. I just got into college and I was thinking about an idea I could use to start a business.

Each day I went into school I saw large amounts of people together in one place.

I didn’t know much about business then but I knew that wherever a large amount of people are gathering constantly, a business is looming.

The big idea

So I set out to start a business. The idea behind the business was that I'd create software that helps students understand their courses in college better and they would pay a certain amount for it.

I talked to a couple of my coursemates and we began working on the idea.

Two of the people I started working with were developers so it was easier for us to build software.

I used most of my accommodation fees in school to fund the project
While still building, we began to add other members to the team to try to increase the speed of the project.

My setbacks along the way

One day along the line, the two developers I started with asked me what they’d get in return for working for me.

It seemed like an odd question because we were working together and not under employment and I told them they’d get shares since the business can’t afford to pay salaries yet, however, I asked that they wait til the product launched before finding a lawyer and doing the paperwork.

These two coursemates of mine didn't agree to these terms and said I was trying to cheat them.

Subsequently, the entire business just collapsed before it even started.
We were about to write exams.
And I was trying to manage the emotion of watching something you put so much energy into fall like that and then cope with exams.

Rags to Riches motivation

When I used to see rags to riches stories on TV, it sounded so enticing. Someone who describes 5 years in 5 minutes and then we feel motivated.

It takes more than just skills to build a business. Because in business, there’ll be times when nothing seems like it’s moving.

It's the ability to sit through those times that makes a successful business

There's this saying I used to hear growing up
"Life will test you to see if you want to achieve what you want"

And there's some truth to that statement. I thought building a business was about just finding a solution to a problem and then just begin selling it.

But it's beyond just that. The people who build successful businesses all have times when they thought they were going to fail.

Their mindset is what separates them.
Winning or losing shouldn’t matter much, see everything as a stepping stone towards your progress.

Pick yourself up

After my Startup ended badly, I felt bad for a couple of weeks, but then after my exams, I picked myself up and began building again

That's the kind of mentality that winners have, they never give up mindset.

It's interesting to think that most people believe they'll never fail trying out a business especially because they think it's a good business idea.

Consider failure an opportunity to learn something you didn't always know. That's the only way to truly grow.

Your mindset needs to be stronger than the things happening around you to build a successful business.
Business has its ups and downs particularly moments when nothing is happening.

Being consistent will make your business successful and stand out from the rest.



Andikan David
Practice in Public

Founder & CEO | I'll teach you how to build a profitable one-person business | Get my FREE Beginner's Guide⬇️