Your 2024 Best Habits

Find the Power Within, Achieve Goals, and Craft Your Legacy

Alexander Muchoki
Practice in Public
5 min readJan 8, 2024


A radiant sunrise symbolic of the journey to achieving one’s goals, and the new opportunities and possibilities that the year 2024 holds.
Photo by Federico Respini on Unsplash

New Year, fresh goals, huh?

But let’s keep it real.

Instead of crazy big changes, go for goals you can actually rock.

It could be enjoying 10 delightful minutes doing something you love or taking a leisurely stroll.

Tiny steps = Big wins!

Goals are like treasures, and you’re the fearless explorer. Spot the big goal “X” on your map, your ultimate treasure. Now, mark the cool stops along the way. Breaking it down makes the journey super fun and not scary at all.

Ever heard about someone doing the impossible? Not fairytales, real stories!

Take J.K. Rowling, the brilliant mind behind the Harry Potter series. She faced countless rejections before finally securing a publisher for her iconic books. Wrestling with challenges as a single mother on welfare, Rowling turned her passion for writing into a phenomenon.

Rowling’s journey from adversity to triumph teaches us that resilience, creativity, and an unwavering belief in oneself can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

What’s your superpower? Whether you’re a wizard of creativity, a ninja at problem-solving, or a heartwarming helper, dive into your fantastic strengths and passions.

So, are you ready to achieve your goals this year?

Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Life-Changing Success Habits

Success isn’t just about big achievements. It’s part of your daily habits. Adopt routines that naturally lead you to success. These could be simple things like being thankful, keeping a healthy routine, or having a positive mindset.

The real magic comes when you make these habits a part of your daily life.

The Art of Mindfulness

Amidst the chaos of life’s hustle and bustle, there exists a sacred space just for you. Every breath becomes an anchor, keeping you firmly in the present moment. It’s not about counting the minutes passing; it’s about making each moment count.

When you close your eyes for a quiet moment of reflection, the noise around you fades away. You enter a world of calmness. Time slows down, and suddenly, you’re not just going through the motions; you’re truly alive.

Remember the last time you felt overwhelmed, lost in the chaos of tasks and deadlines? What if, at that moment, you had a simple tool to ground you, to bring you back to the present?

As Steve Goodier wisely said,

“Mindfulness is the key to life. The key to life is to be present for it, to feel the sun on your face, the texture of the ground beneath your feet, and the people with whom you’re sharing these moments.”

These are the moments that don’t just add years to your life but add life to your years.

Fuel Your Passion

What sets your soul on fire? Is it the gentle sweep of a paintbrush on canvas, the exhilaration of solving intricate problems, or the profound joy derived from helping others?

Imagine waking up, and instead of dreading the day, you’re infused with energy because you’re about to immerse yourself in something you love.

Your passion acts as fuel, pushing you out of bed with enthusiasm and serving as the magnetic force drawing you toward a future rich in fulfillment and joy.

Take a moment to identify those activities that stir your soul. These are not just passing interests but the constellations guiding your journey to an extraordinary life.

Give them the attention they deserve, and let your passions illuminate the path to success.

I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious — Albert Einstein

Crafting Smart Goals

Okay, it’s time to make our goals genius-level. Let’s use SMART, a smart way to do it!

SMART means Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Instead of just saying, “I wanna be healthier,” how about saying, “I’ll rock a 20-minute walk every single day for the next month.” Now that’s a crystal-clear plan, turning your goals into real, doable magic!

Learn from Setbacks

Life is a rollercoaster, and setbacks are inevitable.

Serena Williams, the tennis legend in 2017, took time off to welcome her daughter into the world. Many doubted her ability to return to the elite level of tennis after such a significant life event.

Despite the challenges and skeptics, Serena made a stunning comeback. In 2018, she reached the finals of both Wimbledon and the US Open.

Her journey showcased her extraordinary athletic ability and highlighted the power of resilience and determination in the face of setbacks.

Serena’s story teaches us that setbacks can be stepping stones to even greater achievements if met with unwavering dedication and a belief in one’s capabilities.

Create Your Support System

The journey to your dream life is a thrilling adventure, but here’s a truth to hold onto: no architect builds alone.

Surround yourself with a support system that uplifts and encourages you.

Share your dreams with friends, family, or mentors who genuinely want to see you succeed. Their encouragement will be the wind beneath your wings when the journey gets tough.

Reflect, Reframe, Renew

Embarking on the unexplored journey of 2024, let me share a chapter from my professional adventure in the preceding year.

As a writer, a pivotal moment in my 2023 expedition transpired when I sensed a plateau in my professional growth. It wasn’t that my efforts lacked dedication or skill; rather, I had unwittingly sidestepped the crucial act of reviewing my goals.

In the middle of deadlines and creative endeavors, the sense of stagnation loomed large.

That’s when I decided to hit the brakes. I dedicated an afternoon to reflecting on my writing journey over the past months. What emerged was a realization that my initial goals, though well-conceived, needed recalibration.

With my writing aspirations as the focal point, I took stock of the smaller, daily actions that had become routine. The keys were a shift in perspective and a focus on refining, rather than overhauling.

It was an eye-opening experience that injected fresh energy into my endeavors.

So, cast your mind back to a juncture in your career journey where the spark faltered. Was there a moment of pause and review? What small, significant adjustments did you make?

The Ripple Effect of Gratitude

Gratitude operates much like a ripple in a pond, extending its positive effects far beyond where it begins. Picture it as a domino effect of positivity.

When you take a moment to reflect on the positive aspects of your life, whether it’s the warmth of a sunrise or the kindness of a friend, you’re not just appreciating these moments; you’re setting off a chain reaction.

Studies show that expressing gratitude can enhance your overall well-being. For instance, keeping a gratitude journal, where you jot down things you’re thankful for daily, has been linked to increased happiness and life satisfaction.

The more you cultivate gratitude, the more positive events you tend to notice, creating a self-perpetuating cycle of positivity.

Legacy Thinking

As we journey through the plans for a transformative 2024, pause and reflect on the legacy you’re crafting.

How do you wish to be remembered? It surpasses personal achievements — it’s about radiating positivity to others and the planet.

Let 2024 not just be another orbit around the sun.



Alexander Muchoki
Practice in Public

Ghostwriter | Crafting connections through words. Contact: for more.