Your Blog is One Giant Lead Magnet: Here’s How To Make $$$$ From it

Stop underutilizing your blog traffic.

Onyedikachukwu Czar
Practice in Public


Image by Drobotdean on Freepik

This is a concept I learned from Shane Parrish, the pen behind the Farnam Street Blog.

His blog has thousands of insightful blog posts, and each has at least one or two links to a book on Amazon.

When a reader clicks a link and buys a book on Amazon, he earns a commission. The Farnam Street blog racks in 400k organic traffic each month according to Semrush.

One day I sat down to do a simple math:

If only 0.5% (2000) of that traffic buys from Amazon using links from the Farnam Street Blog, there’s no doubt that he’d be making good amounts in commission.

His blog has become a giant land magnet for selling affiliate products.

But the beauty of this, I realized, is that you don’t have to be generating this much traffic, or be an Amazon affiliate to utilize this model to make money from your blog.

After I quit SEO blogging, I relied on ads to drive traffic to my website. To make the most out of every traffic I won, I decided to try out this revenue model.

The result has so far been satisfying, and in this piece, I will be sharing what you need to know about setting up…



Onyedikachukwu Czar
Practice in Public

I write: AI | Personal finance & growth | Tech. I sieve the noise and then share with you everything that's left.