Your Ticket to a Life Free From Procrastination

The “Free Distribution of Tasks” method and the “15 Minute” rule

Dmitry | Relationships Guide
Practice in Public
2 min readMay 31, 2024


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Planning your day is an outdated mindset.

Why? Let me explain.

When you plan, you involuntarily build expectations.

Any deviation from the plan-expectations is stress.

Remember when:

  • You scheduled a meeting, but the other person didn’t show up.
  • The bus doesn’t arrive on time.
  • It starts raining, and you’re without an umbrella.
  • Electricity, internet, or water supply is cut off.
  • The airline cancels or postpones your flight.

While writing the last point, I even got a bit jittery

Sometimes, these events can overlap each other.

In the modern world, not everyone can afford to organize such a stable environment for themselves.

  • There’s always someone letting you down;
  • There’s always something not going according to plan.

Or maybe you’re a mood person and just don’t feel like doing something specific right now?

We get upset, blame ourselves, procrastinate.

So how do we break out of this vicious cycle?

The answer is simple — stop planning your day.

Become flexible.

I use the next two principles:

  • Free distribution of tasks
  • 15-minute rule

Throughout the day, I have several mandatory tasks, for example:

  • Work;
  • Workout;
  • 6,000 steps;
  • Cook food;
  • Write an article/post X
  • Play a game (no more than an hour).

Some days are busier, some are less so.

The main issue occurs at “work”


When making some important life decisions.

If I realize that within 15 minutes I can’t find an answer to my question or motivation to work.

I pull out the next priority from my list of tasks

  • Cook food.

Don’t feel like eating?

  • Then, workout.

Already did that yesterday?

  • Then, 6,000 steps.

Already walked?

  • I take out the notes for posts/articles I made during yesterday’s walk or during breaks between workout sets.

Entertainment is my last resort.

There’s no free time, room for procrastination, or negative self-talk.

Each day fulfills its purpose.

Thank you for reading!

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Dmitry | Relationships Guide
Practice in Public

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