You’re Too Smart For Your Own Good

Did you peak too early in life too?

Mich Chow
Practice in Public


Photo by Stephen Andrews on Unsplash

I was a pretty smart alec of a kid.

For some reason, academics came super easy for me. I aced every exam, won almost every non-athletic competition in school (keyword: non-athletic), and graduated top of the cohort. Every year, all except for one.

As a result, I may have peaked in high school.

Everything that happened in my life after high school was mediocre at best, and lacked the prestige expected of a high flyer in school.

I waffled through my young adulthood and ended up not having any qualifications. Mind you, I still don’t have a degree, but at least now I’m at peace with it. Story for another day.

Long story short, I learned Life the harder way — through experience.

Over dinner the other day, my mom and I were reminiscing about the past and discussing future plans. And she said this:

“You were too smart for you own good.” — Mich’s mom

Thankfully, I outgrew my bookishness and learned to be street smart as well.

For one, I got a job in the food and beverage industry



Mich Chow
Practice in Public

An ex-coffee binger and a recovering procrastinator. This is where I process my curiosity.