Sydney Sexton
Practice of History, Fall 2018
3 min readNov 8, 2018


Adoption Worldwide

There are many different reasons couples choose to adopt. Adoptions can come from foreign countries, but there are also many children from the United States awaiting their adoption. Some couples are unable to have children of their own and some just want to be of help to those they know are in need. There are many different types of adoption and also different ways you can go about the process. There are different factors that go into determining what’s best for you.

It wasn’t until the end of World War II that adoption really began to tack off. Before this point, adoptions had been minimal. Many wanted to adopt children from foreign countries, as there were large amounts of children who had been left abandoned due to wars taking place in their countries. This proved to be a challenge. Just as many products and goods were declined coming into the states, so were adoptions. It took a great deal of work from adoptive parents and the United States to be able to adopt children internationally.

Since the time after World War II, when international adoption seemed to take off, a great deal of work has been done throughout our government to make it an easier process. By 1999, international adoption had hit a huge increase in numbers. A majority of adoptions taking place were through foreign adoptions.

There were plenty of children who needed to be adopted in the United States, but there were also various reasons as to why Americans were going outside of the United States to adopt. There was a limited number of healthy infants in the United States available for adoption. There were strict rules and guidelines when it came to who could and could not adopt a child in the United States. There was also a fear that birthparents could try to come back into the children’s lives and interfere with the adoption.

Many Americans felt adopting outside of the United States was their best or only option. While there were plenty of great reasons to adopt outside of the United States, it was still very difficult for the process to actually be completed. Once you had done everything there is to be done in the United States, you basically had to wait until the other country was ready. Everything was then done on their time.

There are many obstacles families must face along their journey to adoption, but also many decisions to make before the process is started and completed. Families have options when it comes to the type of adoption they choose to have. Families may choose to have a closed adoption; which would mean the adoption stayed in total secrecy from the birthparents, or an open adoption which would allow children the opportunity to get to know their biological family at the appropriate times. The decision lies in the parent’s hands. What’s important to know is that you do have options.

Many choose to adopt because they would like to start or grow their family. Infertility is also a major struggle many couples are faced with who choose to adopt. It is truly a blessing for all children to be adopted into loving homes. There are a number of different circumstances surrounding one’s decision to adopt, none of which are shameful.

Today, most adoptions in the United States are done by a family member or step parent to the child. These adoptions are normally very simple to complete, but there are still other factors that lead to couples choosing to adopt. There are many different “tests” no matter the circumstances which one has to pass in order to have the opportunity to adopt. If families can pass the rigorous testing, they are hopefully found suitable to care for a child in desperate need of a loving home.

It is agreeable that adoption is not for everyone; however, after obtaining advice on how adoption works it’s easy to see who can and can’t make it work. The actual idea and process of adoption dates back many years. Luckily it has become easier for children in both the United States and foreign countries to be adopted.

There are so many different reasons to choose to adopt, as well as, different ways to go through the process. Adoption has truly evolved from a time when it was rarely heard of to its present popularity.

