
Andrea Davis
Practice of History, Fall 2018
1 min readNov 6, 2018

Write an article based on your research (800 words max) for a public audience that follows the Histcomm guidelines below and uses at least one of Knightlab’s digital storytelling tools. For an example of excellent student work, go here.

I encourage you to think about your article as a professional document that you can showcase on your Resume or C.V. to demonstrate your research and communication skills. You can publish your article openly on our shared course publication or as an unlisted post (directions here) so that it is only visible if you share the URL.

Completed articles are due in class on Tuesday November 27 (if you decide not to post your article to our course publication, please email me the url before class). During the final week of the course, each student will prepare a 5–7 minute oral presentation based on their article to share with the class.

