Vietnam War

Benjamin Copenhaver
Practice of History, Spring 2019
4 min readApr 21, 2019
Hovering Helicopters over the ground troops of South Vietnamese, Source:

Few events had left their mark on 20th century America, as the Vietnam war. The history behind the Vietnam war was how the people were able to survive, and how they made their lives back when. The North and the South were the two major sides of the war during the time period, and also how President Nixon was in office on how he changed the war for the people.

President Nixon was a powerful man that was one the best presidents that the United States had back in day, and his time was during the Vietnam war and he took office in the year of 1969. During this time period the men were getting really hard to be able to control in a way, and that people were getting really scared the goods and supplies special the people in the south. Also the rights were big things that were the people were trying to figure if they wanted to go fight in the war or try to go work for someone and make the money to where they were able to make a living to support their families in a way.

The sides were not getting along well at all and the people were having a hard time with coming together as one whole to make things right between each other and how they were going to be able to do that with everyone not wanting to work on the same things as some of the other people that were living with them, and the African American people were people who were getting drafted into the war more often then the white for some reasoning and they didn’t know why they were getting drafted and some of them wanted to go fight for their country and some had to stay back and look for a job.

Also with those points being made during the time also the men that were dying in the war were large numbers of men that were fighting , and the ages of the men were in their upper teens like ages of 18–21 were what most the boys or men that were in the Vietnam war and who drafted to fight because they were usually the ones that didn’t have the jobs and stuff and needed somewhere to go so they were drafted into the war. Going off what was being said is the people that were doing most of the protesting were the white men and wondering why they were not being drafted as much and getting fight in the war like the African American men were getting to do, and if the protesting wasn’t enough people were having to make a lot of tough decisions back rather if they were going to take the bid on going to fight in the war or just try to found something else to do in their lives, because some of the people were in the world didn’t want to be there in ways.

In the years of 1950 through 1961 people were starting to go to jail with what they were sitting the law with and some people were not agreeing with the way that this was being holded in the ways that It was being put out, so in the way it was saying was that if people were not working or fighting in the war or selling goods out of their homes they were trying to get out of working and steal things or they would get caught by the cops and be put in jail until they wanted to work or fight. Which that is why the president was trying to make things better and make the laws for the people to be able to work together and make the United States come together as one nation.

A lot of different things went on during the this time of history and that it was a hard life to live through in a lot of ways people wee always having to fight their ways through stuff to get in the clear of all things which was very hard to do in a lot of ways the way that everything that was set up, and almost forgot the number of men that were killed in Vietnam War was somewhere around 2 million men were killed during this war, and a lot were wounded as well. The worst thing was the family members of the people who were fighting would found out by mail if their family was still alive or was killed, and it was hard because some people didn’t even found out until after the war was over.

