How to use Visualization as a Business Tool

Where do you see your Health & Wellness business going? What do you want your professional practice to look like? How many clients do you want to work with on a weekly or monthly basis? Do you see yourself working remotely?

Team @ Practice Better
Practice Better Blog
3 min readAug 30, 2018


These are all very important questions. For sure, a successful business is a journey and takes time, but you need to know what goals the smaller steps should lead you to.

Most days it may feel like you’re just “getting things done”. It’s important to regularly take time and refocus your current position and align it with where you want to be. One technique to help you maintain that focus is visualization.

Visualize Your Future

Whether you realized it or not, you’ve likely already used visualization at some point or another. Simply put, visualization is imagining yourself having or doing something that you want. In business, if you capture what’s in your imagination, you can use it as a motivating tool and a way to better define your goals.

Think about what you want in your business. Picture it in your mind. Find a way to make that image concrete and revisit that image/visualization regularly.

According to Forbes magazine, “People who vividly describe or picture their goals are anywhere from 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely to successfully accomplish their goals.”

  1. Write it down. Writing down what you want for your business is one great way to make that goal concrete. Write it in a place you can see it so that you can be reminded of what you’re working toward.
  2. Create a vision board. A vision board is another great way to visualize the success and the life that you want for yourself. Include objects that motivate and inspire you such as photos, drawings, quotes, words, handwritten notes, etc. For example, you can include a picture of your ideal client, a dollar amount that you want to earn, a photo of your dream home or office, a map of the world if you want to travel. The key is to ensure that anything you add to your vision board inspires you.
  3. Put it out into the universe. Once you’re clear on what you want your business to look like, put it out into the universe. According to the Law of Attraction, “Like attracts like”. We attract that which we focus on. Focus on your goals and dreams and the positive feelings that living those dreams would bring. Keep your concrete goals fresh in your mind in addition to a positive mindset can really help keep you focused and open to new opportunities.

Remember that visualization is a very personal exercise. The key is to make this new practice a part of your daily (or regular) routine.

Visualization — A Map to Your Business Goals

Getting really clear on the big picture — your entrepreneurial goals — is also a fantastic tool for helping you when you’re feeling stuck.

  1. Calm your mind and imagine yourself looking at a map of your journey. See where you started and appreciate all the progress you’ve made.
  2. Identify where you are in your journey at this moment. What are you feeling? What are your current hurdles?
  3. What is one step (big or small) you can take to get you closer to your goal?
  4. Focus on taking one intentional step forward that is in the direction of your larger goal. Start there.

Visualization is a powerful exercise of the mind that’s free and can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. Dare to dream big and take small steps each day to make your dreams a reality.

“If your dreams don’t scare you, they are not big enough.” -Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

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