Transnational Governments

Geographically-bounded governments may have outlived their purpose. There’s a new form of governance that will be important moving forward that considers the global population first.

Praful Mathur


When I visited India in 2012, one of the most thought-provoking conversations I had was with my uncle who served in Indian government. He told me that geographically bounded governments have outlived their usefulness and now we’re looking at an emergence of cross-border governments. I left utterly confused but he left me with this thought:

Think about multi-national corporations, they are capable of ‘governing’ 100,000′s of people across borders through employment and millions more based on shaping their products in specific ways. Additionally, governments already heavily lean on companies as part of diplomatic relationships e.g. look up how hackers attack US companies which is seen as threat to US diplomatic relationships, foreign policy, AND national security.

Over the last few years, I’ve been forced to rethink my understanding of governance, community relationships, and most importantly how companies must function or evolve to address the need for new types of organizations. Recently, there’s been a ton of excitement about crypto-currencies and it’s got me thinking if we have all the necessary pieces to start putting together a new form of governance. The following is a collection of content discussing the future of governments and there’s no clear cohesion with my thoughts yet.

The Internet has provided humanity the ability to instantly distribute information that can be represented as bits. As more of the world’s information is being encapsulated in bits, we’ll see a greater shift to building alternative governing systems.

As indicated from Balaji’s talk — Silicon Valley’s Ultimate Exit at Startup School 2013:

Technology, Government role, Technology regulation

Though I fundamentally disagree with him as we’re getting MORE involved in the politics with an exit. We are subverting the existing US government by putting the onus of political decision making on us as we believe we’re more capable representatives. I’m still deciding on how this evolution will occur but it starts with new flash movements, creation of economic zones, minicountries, and new political parties which are all global by design. It’s difficult to tell how the new politics will evolve.

More information:

Legislative Systems — Law Development

Online Election Process

Judicial System — Legal Enforcement

Military — Legal Protection

Financial Systems

