Finding your inner truth

Masculine & Feminine
Published in
5 min readFeb 28, 2018


Finding your inner truth can be a life long journey. Or it can be done quicker than you thought. It is up to you. Everything in life is up to you. All our lives, we have been programmed with beliefs, thought patterns, behaviours — in one word: paradigms — that are not even our own. We live our lives based upon other people’s ideas of an ideal life. We do not even create our life, it just happens to us and we let it.

Finding your inner truth is painful because you have to crack all of your paradigms along the way to make room for your true voice. You will have to cut out all the distractions from life, all the hustle around you, all the busyness that actually is just there to keep you away from your heart space.

Your heart is in the driver’s seat of your life’s path, but your mind is most likely to grip the steering wheel. But if you want to find your inner truth, you’ll have to stop, pause and listen to your heart. Just stop the car and let your heart speak. Your mind will be furious because it was made to believe that logic is the only truth. It thinks that it is the master, but the mind never is the master. The mind is the heart’s servant. But we have been taught that it is the other way around.

Kindergarten, school, university, job, the whole system is designed to edge your heart out of everything. It is designed to keep you busy, to fill your…

