How can I change my Relationship for the better?

Masculine & Feminine
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2018

Have you every asked yourself „How can I change my relationship for the better“? Have you ever been disappointed in your partner? Have you ever felt misunderstood?

There are a lot of reasons as to why a relationship fails but basically it all comes down to just two. Yes, that’s right, only two. And they will shock you a bit.

You were never taught how to have a great relationship

When you grow up, your parents and close family are your role models. You inherit your parents’ thoughts, behaviour, reactions, or in others words: their paradigms.
These paradigms are deeply installed into your subconscious mind where they hide very well without you even knowing.
When you enter your first relationships, you are now doomed to repeat your parents’ mistakes from their own relationship. You literally re-live your parents’ relationship and you are not aware of it.

Don’t get emotional

Whenever you get emotional, offended, hurt, it is not really YOU who is hurt, but your ego. Your ego lives in your mind space — together with your paradigms — and it is desperately trying to keep you in your comfort zone. It is trying to keep all the good things out of your life by playing some tricks on you.
Your ego in combination with paradigms is the number one reason why all your relationships have failed.

Getting emotional is common in a relationship, but it is also very risky when you do not know the right dynamics. When your ego is taking control, you cannot change your reactions. You react on autopilot, triggered by ego and acting upon your paradigms. It is a vicious circle you are keeping yourself in.

Break out with the right tools

Pragma has developed a set of very effective tools with which you can go beyond your ego and replace your paradigms, if you’re willing to put in the hard work and effort that is necessary.
The tools provided by Pragma is targeting your true self and not a version of someone else’s idea of you.
In order to make use of these tools, it is necessary for you to do the inner work, go within, find your heart space again, leave your mind space / ego / paradigms and create your new life.

Having and knowing these tools is not enough. You also need to know how to apply them in your life. To simply say „Go beyond your ego“ would not get you the right results. Showing you how you can go beyond your ego however will bring a significant change within you and your life.


