How do you discover your talent, passion and purpose?

Masculine & Feminine
Published in
4 min readMar 29, 2018

A great question I answered on quora recently.

First of all, these three things have nothing in common. Might shock some people, but it’s ok. All is good :)

From my own personal journey, here’s what I did:


I have many talents and I discovered them by simply doing a lot of things. This is also the first advice: If possible, escape the 3D reality matrix with its jobs, careers, linear CVs, etc. That doesn’t mean anything and it is obsolete.

You can have many talents, e.g. playing pool billiard was a talent of mine, or writing songs, playing the guitar.

I never had a talent to teach people, mentor them, give speeches and seminars. And guess what I do now. ;)


I started my first business out of my passion for music, and built an international music distribution for underground bands.

Goes without saying that the passion was overwhelming, the revenues not so much. haha. But hey, it was the 90s.

After that, I built my second company, a luxury real estate platform. Failed a little less than the first one. My passion was in it but my motivation was wrong (money). So please:

Never chase money or debt will chase you

I went on to have a normal life with a career, marriage, house, mortgage, divorce.

After my divorce, I took inventory of my Self and suddenly a shift happened within me. A shift to consciousness. You can see my whole journey here in this master class called An Awakened Man. We also have ladies enrolling who absolutely love the value that they get. ;)

For 13 years, I went through my personal hell and felt like Dante a little bit: Ego, paradigms, arguments, total unconsciousness. It was hilarious looking back. But, I had to be in that karmic relationship to become my Self again.

Growth can only come from pain

So what about my purpose? Let’s go ;)


It took me around 30 years to discover my purpose.

And yes, I mean what I say. A purpose cannot be actively pursuit until you suddenly find it.

A purpose is part of your soul. (Yes, I’m getting spiritual here, but hey, what do you expect from a guy who has awakened ;) )

I lived most parts of my life in darkness, asleep, total unconsciousness. I was in my mind space only:

And the funny things was that I wasn’t even aware of it. So what happened was that I lived my life on auto-pilot. My ego was strong, my paradigms overwhelming, my subconscious in the driver’s seat.

Your Purpose is in your Heart Space

For a man, this might sound so ridiculous but the secret is: Move back home into your heart space. Get out of your mind space as much as possible and find your way to your heart.


Because in your heart, there is unconditional love. And once you feel that unconditional love, you start listening to your heart again. The reality around you taught you to only listen to your mind, think with your brain, etc.

Neglecting your heart space makes you only half a man. A woman is the Divine Feminine (yes, even more spiritual stuff but this is important!) and naturally within her heart space more than a man.

So why do you need to be in your heart space? Because your heart is whispering to you all the time. You just don’t hear it when you are absent from it and in your mind space only.

Your purpose is in your heart space. That’s where you need to go. And then you will be open to hear what it is.

Talent and passion is overrated.

Again, I never had a talent to educate people, inspire someone, speak my inner truth, do mentorings, and so on. But that is my purpose. My purpose is to bring awareness and raise Earth’s frequency. Because I am in a Twin Flame relationship and our purpose is bigger than our talents or passion.

Once you heard your purpose whispering to you, instantly you’ll feel its gravity pulling you forward.

This is my journey.


PS: Upvote if you liked my journey. Thank you And make sure to check out the MASTERCLASS here for more insights (10hrs to be exact with 39 videos and 2 of my books for free)

PPS: I am a mentor and give 1-on-1 sessions for anyone who is open and willing to change their lives. The results can be overwhelming if you are ready to put in the effort necessary to change your Self.

