If you truly love your partner, you’ll have to let go…

Masculine & Feminine
Published in
4 min readFeb 26, 2018

It is quite normal for human beings to attach emotions to things and people. This is a great bond that we tie, however it can turn toxic if you are not aware.

Toxic Attachments

Being attached somebody or something can be the most toxic energy in your life. In life, as in a relationship, we attach emotions to our partner or even things from the past. Memorabilia, we call it. Things that we just would not throw away because they „mean so much“ to us.

But what really happens is that we are looking for love outside of us. For things or people that could make us feel whole, better, loved. The truth is that we must become whole within us. We must get into our heart space before we can truly love unconditionally. Unconditional Love is what a Rich Relationship is all about, because it makes away with paradigms and ego. When the ego is out of the equation, only unconditional love remains.

As long as ego is still around and takes over the steering, you will never be able to love unconditionally. Ego attaches to your partner immediately, the moment you meet. Ego thinks „I want him / her!“. That is ego. During the course of a relationship, ego is taking over other areas. Attachments are increasing, e.g. jealousy arises, the fear of being left alone, and so on. These are all fears played upon you by ego, expressed in emotional attachment to your partner.

Toxic attachments, which have become common paradigms in society, are, e.g. marriage, being engaged, moving in together, partner tattoos or jewelry, posting couple pictures on social media, and so on. Everything that shows the outside that you two are together can be a sign of a toxic attachments. Why else would you need to show that you love your partner unconditionally?

This concept is a great contradiction to the paradigms that were installed in me when I grew up. Loving somebody was always part of wanting someone to be with you forever. You see, even this wanting is a toxic attachment. Because what happens if he or she goes away, cheats on you, dies, moves away? If you are attached, you will suffer. If you love him or her unconditionally, that means that whatever happens will not take away your Wholeness and your love within.

I always said that your Rich Relationship will never be your first relationship in your life. It will be your last, though, but before that, you will have to go through a lot of Poor Relationships, until you get to the point where the first spark of awareness arises within you.

A Rich Relationship is a deeply connected love on a soul level. You have to attract the right one into your life to truly experience a Rich Relationship. They won’t come along. They won’t accidentally appear in your life. You have to attract them with your soul. Either your soul is so strong that it shines through your old baggage of paradigms and ego, or you’ll have to become the person who is aware and who attracts the love of your life.

There are no attachments in your Rich Relationship

For many people it is hard to understand that there are no attachments in a Rich Relationship. We are used to being emotionally attached to each other in a relationship that the concept of Unconditional Love is scary.

Many are worried that not being attached to one’s partner means that the love will run dry one day. Mind you, this is not true, on the contrary! Once you have moved into your heart space, you realise that being attached is all a game played by your ego. You do not need your partner to be truly fulfilled. You do not need your partner to feel the Wholeness within. Unconditional love can only immerse when you are one with yourself.

The greatest fear of letting go of attachments is the assumption that the end of being attached is the end of the relationship. Again, it is quite the contrary! Letting go of being attached to your partner makes way for your heart space to take over and opens up doors to even deeper levels of love between you and your partner.

If you need your partner to feel whole or happy, then you are clinging onto him or her like a suffocating pillow over their face. And also over yours! Whatever it is you want to achieve in life, you must first become one with yourself before you can invite someone else into your heart space.

