The $200 billion weight loss industry doesn’t want you to lose weight. Here’s how to outwit them

Masculine & Feminine
Published in
4 min readApr 22, 2018

I was fat. Almost my whole life. I was going on and off countless diets. Nothing ever worked. Until I finally discovered this ONE secret that changed my life.

“You are not enough”, they say

Everywhere you look, there is a bombardment of “you are not enough” in the media, on social, TV, at the movies. It is everywhere, this feeling of being not worthy enough or too fat, too skinny, too tall, too tiny.

These subliminal (and most of the times not so much subliminal) message are anchoring deep inside your subconscious mind, turning into beliefs that dictate your life.

Once you start believing that you are too fat, that’s where the disaster starts. But here comes the secret.

Diets don’t work

It has become very clear to me that diets don’t work. Never. Ever.

But more importantly than knowing this fact is to know WHY they do not work. You see, diets are external factors. I have tried all of that. I changed my food, my diet, my eating habits, and for some time it worked! But then after some time, I gained more pounds than I had lost. And I was devastated. Every time. Can you relate?

So here’s the thing: If you are looking for some external factor to make the changes for you, then you might as well just wait for that magic pill one day, while you are going deeper down the rabbit hole.

External Factors

The external factors are manyfold:

  • Weight Watchers
  • Atkins Diet
  • Eat less
  • Low Fat
  • Low Carb
  • No Carb
  • Eat Chicken
  • Eat Fish
  • And so on

These external factors are only fighting the visible results, but they do not cure the cause.

Why you are fat

There is only ONE reason as to why you are fat. It is as simple as it can get, you will laugh your butt off. But this one reason is the most profound reason of all. Do you want to know what it is?

You do not love your self

That is the ONLY reason why you are fat. And it is the most important factor you need to eliminate. The good new is that this is an INTERNAL factor. And you can change all internal factors very easily.

Did you know that the weight loss market will be over $200 billion by 2020? Guess why nobody is telling you to love yourself and instead are trying to sell you pills or programs (external factors).

Where to start?

For a human being, there are only two basic emotions: Love and Fear.

All other feelings are derived from either love or fear. The great thing is that you cannot feel love and fear at the same time. It is a conscious decision of yours.

Fear lives in your mind space, together with your ego, your emotions, your paradigms and thoughts. So when you don’t love yourself and your body, you are most likely trapped inside your mind space. It is time to get out of there.

Where to go?

Leaving your mind space means that you must get somewhere else, right? But where to? Your heart space. You see, in your heart space, that is where unconditional love is, self worth, self love, confidence, intuition.

Your heart space is your protection shield against all the external factors telling you that you are not good enough.

When you have arrived in your heart space, e.g. through meditation, you become the observer of your mind, thoughts, ego and paradigms. Being an observer enables you to detach from your thoughts and from what anyone else is expecting you to be.

More importantly, you will understand that you are not your thoughts. You are not your ego. You are not your body, either. It is very important to understand that! You are NOT your body.

Your body is your vehicle

You see, most people think that they ARE their body, ARE their thoughts, their ego, their paradigms. They think that they HAVE a soul. But this is wrong. You ARE a soul having a physical experience here on earth in a physical body.

Your body is merely your vehicle in which you navigate through life. And like any vehicle, it needs taking care of and service from time to time.

Most people take more care of their car than their own body

Next time you think “My nose is too big” or “I am too fat”, catch yourself in the act! Because you are NOT your nose, your body, your ass, your thighs, your arms, your whatever. You HAVE a body and all these parts.

Listen, it is absolutely crucial for you to detach from the idea that you are your body. Your body is a vehicle. There are big cars, small cars, black, brown, green, white, blue, whatever-coloured-cars. It simply does not matter.

What matter is, thought, that you love your SELF unconditionally.

Unconditional Love is your Secret Sauce

When you get into your heart space, you will feel that you are, give and receive unconditional love. And that is the most important, first step you have to take on your journey.

Because what happens if you love yourself unconditionally? First of all, you stop believing someone else that you are not good enough, that you are too fat, too skinny, too ugly, and so on. It simply does not touch you anymore because you know that you are whole, enough and pure love.

And guess what? By loving your Self and your body unconditionally, you will notice that you automatically take care of your body. Much more than when you were still unaware of what you have just learned. Awareness will make you grow personally. You will automatically eat more healthy, buy healthy food, drink enough water, look in the mirror with a smile on your face. Maybe for the first time in years, or ever.

