What are paradigms and how do they control your life?

Masculine & Feminine
Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2018


Much has been said about paradigms. To give the most simple answer: Paradigms are installed & learned thought patterns, behaviour and beliefs. The funny thing is that they are not even your own paradigms, but other people’s idea of life and how to react.

The subconscious Power of Paradigms

Most people are not aware of their paradigms because they live their lives on autopilot. Paradigms in combination with Ego and Emotions are a very tricky trinity. They keep people stuck in their mind space, in fear, lack and limitation, and in automated reactions in a certain situation.

Paradigms are the unknown powers that create your reality

When you are unconscious and unaware of ego, paradigms, mind and emotions, you live your life on autopilot without even knowing it. Your reactions are not your own, they are other people’s reactions that you have inherited by your parents or adopted from friends and colleagues or magazines even.

Question everything

Once you start question your Self as to why you are doing this or that, and why in this or that way, you start to break out of walls around you that created your reality. You realise that you are not your thoughts, not your ego, not your paradigms. And you see that you have a choice. You can…

