Add a Dungeon Tile Map

Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies — by Tammy Coron (99 / 193)

The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers


👈 Use the Tile Map Editor | TOC | Animating Tiles 👉

You just finished creating a single tile with multiple variations. Now it’s time to up your game a bit by creating a tile group that uses adjacency rules for placement. With adjacency rules, you can create a map that looks a little more natural and less boxy using an 8-way adjacency group:


But before you can create this new group, you need to add some more assets.

Adding the Dungeon Tile Assets

In the Project Navigator, select the Assets.xcassets asset catalog. Once there, create a new sprite atlas and name it tiles_dungeon. Don’t forget to delete the default Sprite image set.

Open Finder and drag all of the image resources from the resources/tiles_dungeon folder into the newly created sprite atlas.

With the new sprite atlas in place, you’re ready to build your first 8-way adjacency group.

Creating an 8-Way Adjacency Group

Switch back to the MainTileSet.sks file. To create an 8-way adjacency group, right-click an open area in the Outline View and select New Grid Tile Set. After that, select the New



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