All Things Rust

Articles and Books from The Pragmatic Bookshelf

Margaret Eldridge
The Pragmatic Programmers


Photo by Pascal Mauerhofer on Unsplash

I’m not making a statement about the transitory nature of things with the title. This article is about the resources you’ll find from The Pragmatic Programmers for learning about the Rust Programming Language.


The Pragmatic Bookshelf has two books out on Rust and more in the works.

Hands-on Rust by Herbert Wolverson

You couldn’t have more fun learning Rust if you tried. Learn Rust by building a simple 2D game called Flappy Dragon:

Look for another book from Herbert Wolverson in Fall 2021 that tests your knowledge and teaches you new tricks using Rust.

Programming Web Assembly with Rust by Kevin Hoffman

Combining WebAssembly’s portable, high-performance modules with Rust’s safety and power is a perfect development combination:

